Do you know an abused or neglected child that needs our help?
* There must be an active court case in order for GOC to adopt a child into the group.

Contact your local GOC Wisconsin Chapter on the phone

Complete our form for more information
Don't let your silence drown out their cries
Information on Signs and Types of Child Abuse (Click the Links Below)
Children's Hospital
Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin builds community resources, provides training and pubic awareness, and carries out advocacy activities in order to strengthen child abuse prevention efforts in Wisconsin.
Racine County
Child Protective Services
Racine County has the responsibility to investigate reports of child abuse and neglect and ensure children’s immediate safety. Child Protective Services works with parents/caregivers in making necessary changes to assure that their children are safe and protected.
WI Dept. of Children & Families
Reporting abuse of people unable to help themselves is encouraged and commendable. If the abuse is happening now or is violent in nature, call 911.
SCAN provides school-based child abuse awareness lessons to children in SE Wisconsin. The goals are to educate children to recognize abusive situations and to understand that such incidents need to be disclosed right away to trusted adults.. Above all, children need to know that abuse is never their fault.
WI Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board
The Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board promotes public awareness and education of approaches to building family strengths and reducing the likelihood of child abuse and neglect.
SAFE Haven
of Racine, Inc.
SAFE Haven of Racine’s mission is to improve the quality of life for youth and families by providing safe living environments, crisis support, and community intervention.